The Right Vehicle,
at the Right Place,
for the Right Price!

Lenoir City Ford

Nov 8, 2019

Yellow Ford Mustang Car EngineThe moment you pay for your car, you are making a long term investment. You count on it for your daily commute and fun road trips. It relies on you to keep it running for as long as possible. There are several things you can do to help extend the life of your car’s engine.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is the most important thing you can do for your engine. Change your oil on time. Do not ignore the mileage on the sticker from your mechanic. By changing your oil regularly, you keep the internal workings of the engine lubed up and ready for the road. You may change your oil at home or call a local shop to have a professional do it.

Another part of routine care is checking on your fluids and filters. If your fluids are low, refill them. As you change your oil, change the oil filter. You may also want to check on your fuel filter and see if it is dirty. Changing these filters helps the fluids work through the engine better. Check and change your air filter if it is dirty. It helps your engine breathe and stay cool during long trips.

Drive Carefully

Do your best to limit the number of quick reactions while driving. When you stop quickly, you put stress on the engine. Avoid racing and other stressful driving habits. If your daily commute includes stop and go traffic from the time you leave your house, look for an alternative route or consider mass transit. The constant stop and go traffic adds stress to your engine that reduces its lifespan.

Let It Warm Up

Cold weather does not just make life miserable for humans, it also beats up your vehicle. Before leaving for work, turn your car on and let it run. As it warms, clear the snow or ice from your windshield. By the time the windshield is clean, it is safe to drive. However, you must ease the car into your drive. Give it about fifteen minutes once you hit the road before you start driving at highway speeds.

Do Not Ignore Your Check Engine Light

If your check engine light comes on, your car is trying to tell you something. Do not ignore the light. Make an appointment to get your vehicle looked at as soon as possible. Even if the problem is minor, letting it go will only cause more damage to your engine.

A Trustworthy Mechanic

Your mechanic is an essential factor in determining the lifespan of your engine. Find one you trust. Ask friends and family for their recommendations. Talk to them about your vehicle and make sure you are comfortable with their answers. A good mechanic is forthcoming with any potential problems and the costs to fix them. Do not be afraid to speak with a few different garages before choosing your mechanic.

Share this information with all of the car owners you know. Get the most out of your investment by taking care of it. Don’t be afraid to call for professional assistance when needed.

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