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Lenoir City Ford

Radiator Service

Radiator and Cooling System Repair in Lenoir City, TN

Your vehicles radiator plays a vital part in keeping the engine cool. Radiator repair and maintenance is important to the health of your engine and your vehicle. The most common radiator repairs involve simple part replacement and radiator fluid exchange. Also, most vehicle manufacturers mention changing coolant antifreeze at regular intervals.

Here at Lenoir City Ford, our skilled mechanics will evaluate the state of your radiator and service your cooling system completely. Bring your car to our dealership, anytime during hours of operation or, Schedule an Appointment with us anytime online!

How Your Car Radiator Works

Your car’s radiator is the essential component that keeps your car running at the right temperature. Without a radiator, your engine would overheat almost immediately. Your engine burns fuel and creates friction in order to give your car the energy it needs. This causes a great amount of heat to build up. If this heat is not diverted, the pistons in the engine would seize up, and possibly snap in two. Your car radiator comes into play by transferring the heat from the fluid inside into the air outside the vehicle, thus cooling the fluid and the engine. Radiators are often used to cool transmission fluids, air conditioner refrigerant, intake air, and possibly cool motor oil and power steering fluid.

Signs of a Faulty Radiator:

  • Your vehicle is overheating. If your vehicle is constantly overheating, especially during normal driving conditions, signs may point to a failing radiator.
  • Your vehicle is leaking coolant. Coolant is typically a bright yellow, green, or red liquid that will pool underneath your vehicle when it is parked.
  • Sludge buildup in your radiator. The coolant in your radiator should be a bright color, typically yellow, green or red. If the coolant appears discolored, turning an oily or rusty color, it is a sign of contaminant buildup in your radiator.
  • Low coolant light on dashboard. If you are constantly adding coolant to your radiator, or the thermometer symbol with the two wave lines pops up on your dashboard, this is most likely a sign of a leak
  • Heater for Passenger Area Not Working. The cabin heater depends on hot coolant passing through the heater core which results in hot air being blown in the passenger area. If the radiator is clogged or leaking, the passenger area will not be properly heated

What is the Purpose of a Radiator Flush?

Radiator Coolant, also known as antifreeze, keeps the radiator from freezing or overheating in extreme temperatures. Over time, this radiator coolant can cause corrosion on your radiator, rust, and other debris that you do not want in the car’s engine or radiator. A radiator flush solves this problem. A flush forces cleaner, water and new antifreeze through the system to get rid of all of the old coolant and any contaminants that may have built up over time.